I hold two truths to be self-evident: First, the Jewish people and
the world need Shabbat like never before. Second, the Torah intends for
Jews — especially observant ones — to be visible, engaged in society and
capable of taking on responsibility for others as opposed to just
looking out for their parochial interests.
In most cases, these two truths coexist in harmony: Six
days a week, a Shabbat-observant Jew can and should engage fully with
the world and use the passion and wisdom of the Jewish tradition to make
a mark on the broader society. And on the seventh day, like God before
her, she should rest, turning within to rejuvenate, to recharge and to
model the promise of a weekly respite from non-stop labor.
But how do we think about Shabbat-observant Jews
performing those functions that require seven days of work, or at least
occasional work on Saturdays? As Jack Lew, a Shabbat-observant Jew takes
over as
White House chief of staff, these questions are all the more
relevant. What is the role of Shabbat in an increasingly 24/7 world? Can
we revel in the appointment of an observant Jew to the highest and
busiest of executive jobs without compromising our covenantal
obligations in the name of Shabbat?
We live at a moment when interest in Shabbat is being rekindled, as
broad swaths of people feel enslaved by the incessant nature of the
information age. We are witness to a world crying out for a Sabbath.
Shabbat-observant Jews would seem to have a heightened
obligation then to turn off, power down and stay at home. We have
something precious to teach the world and our most influential members
must lead the charge. Shabbat stands for humility in a world of such
total human domination that we risk forgetting that we did not bring
this world into being. And it stands for a vision of human society that
rejects the constant work that characterizes slavery.
Still, working for the government on Shabbat presents
observant Jews with an interesting and unique dilemma. Jewish sources
have grappled with Jewish power in the past, but mostly in the context
of lobbyists and attachés to power, rather than those who wield power
themselves. While there is a rich legal literature regarding those who
kerovei malkhut — Jews involved in governmental circles who
are in a position to appeal to gentile authorities on behalf of Jews —
there is comparatively little on those actually involved in
malkhut, the administration of society. Sometimes the categories of
pikuah nefesh
— the authorization to violate Shabbat in order to save a life — are
applied creatively and broadly. But this skirts the issue: Are Jews
authorized and empowered to do the 24/7 things that are required for a
modern society to function? Should we really say that Jews, at least in a
gentile, diasporic government, may have to be among the represented,
but not among those who represent?
In the Babylonian Talmud, we get hints of what another
approach might look like. Rav Sheshet, a Babylonian sage of the third
and fourth centuries CE, issues the following bold ruling: One who is
purchasing territory (from a gentile) in the Land of Israel may write
the bill of sale even on Shabbat. The Talmud is so shocked by this
ruling — writing is a core violation of Shabbat and no lives are at
stake! — that it assumes that it must have been misunderstood. Rav
Sheshet is amended to make the more moderate statement that one can
instruct a gentile to write the bill of sale, such that the violation of
Shabbat is indirect and done by a non-Jew.
But as any good student of Talmud will tell you, the
original version of Rav Sheshet would not have been preserved were it a
mere error in transmission. While its conclusions were unacceptable to
the Talmud’s editors — completely understandably — it is highly likely
that Rav Sheshet himself in fact said what he is quoted as saying. How
could he issue such a radical ruling, seemingly at odds with the
universally accepted principle that only danger to life trumps Shabbat?
It seems Rav Sheshet is sensitive to the need to take
statecraft seriously as a value in and of itself. Without control of the
Land of Israel, argues Rav Sheshet, there can be no sovereign,
independent Jewish society that will truly stand for the values of
Shabbat and Judaism more broadly. Just as the preservation of life
supersedes Shabbat because Shabbat is meant to be a lived
one that cannot be fulfilled in death, so too, for Rav Sheshet,
acquiring control of Jewish space is a prerequisite for creating a
Jewish world that can model Shabbat in all of its fullness.
We live in a thrilling moment for Shabbat observance.
It is a moment in which the general culture is truly ready to hear much
of its message. And it is also a moment in which being observant is not a
barrier to serving one’s country and society at the highest echelons of
power. I am sure Jack Lew will find ways to avoid all unnecessary
meetings on Shabbat and will be in a position to avoid certain concrete
physical tasks like writing that have been core elements of Shabbat
observance for millennia. But when he does find himself in the office on
a Saturday — beckoned by the president to deal with issues of national
concern — I hope he and we will remember Rav Sheshet’s insight: The
Jew’s commitment to infusing our world with Jewish values and leadership
is ultimately a 24/7 endeavor.
Rabbi Ethan Tucker is Rosh Yeshiva and Chair of
Jewish Law at Mechon Hadar, an institution of higher Jewish learning
based in New York City.
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